14 October 2008

On Being Female

Until I read Schlafly, I didn't know that others felt that feminists were inherently evil. Points of hers to that effect:
Feminists believe that 'Women must be made equal to men in their ability not to become pregnant and not to be expected to care for babies they may bring into the world.' While this comment brought a hysteric fit of giggles upon me, it's simply absurd.
Due to the movement to make the above statement true, we've moved from a world where 'women have always cared for their newborn babies. They didn't need any schooling to teach them how. They didn't need any welfare workers to tell them it's their social obligation.' But the feminist movement has brought more horrid layers to gov't.
I prefer to be called Miss and dislike how women's liberationists have gotten the gov't to 'forbid schools and colleges from identifying women students as Miss or Mrs.' As an unmarried woman, I deserve to have my accomplishments belong to me alone, unsupported by any male counterpart. When I am married, I shall be happily so, to someone with whom I shall enjoy sharing my accomplishments. When 81% of women would rather be addressed as Miss or Mrs., 19% have no right to legislate that I cannot be called thus.
"The women's liberation movement, which promotes unisexual values and androgeny, contains within it 'a social and cultural death wish and the end of the civilization that endorses it.'" Why would you try to be something that you're not? Lying to yourself doesn't make others believe you. Liberated Roman women destroyed their families ergo the whole bloody Empire!
The two basic errors of the feminist movement: 1) No emotional or cognitive difference between the sexes 2) women should strive to be like men. I am not a man. I have tits and am not ashamed of it. I will use them to my advantage when I choose to do so. They are not a disadvantage. Damnit.
Equality =/ Justice. Neither does reparation of past lacks of equality.
Uniformity does not trump diversity. Uniformity = boring and inbred. Inbred leads to cognitive issues. AKA mental retardation. Which is bad for mankind.
Sex neutral, or other 'politically correct' language is silly. And not silly in the clown at the circus kind of way. Silly in the retarded kind of way.
A woman who chooses to be a homemaker should not be looked down upon, Damnit!

As for the 'Good Wife's Guide', since the feminist movement got all up in arms, family life has suffered. Period. Most girls who move out on their own cannot cook or clean for themselves, and I know families today who live in refuse simply because the wife refuses to clean after her husband. Not to mention how all but four of the principles laid out in the article merely suggest ways to interact in a positive manner with other people. So long as the husband respects the wife, why should she be averse to doing nice things for him like making his favourite meal and providing means for him to relax?

I am not the traditional woman of the prefeminist movement. I work in what has been primarily a mans vocation since time before time. While I feel an added pressure to succeed because I am female, I am equally as chauvinist as the gents when it comes to other women trying to be a carpenter. I expect more of another woman than I do of her male counterparts because she is defying tradition. I also respect her more if she succeeds. (P.S. The only ones who manage to do work in the field after the age of 27 are balls-on with their work and generally better than the gents)