25 April 2009
Transition Announcement
11 December 2008
Nothing to do with Anything
09 December 2008
Security? Bah.
07 December 2008
04 December 2008
The Nature of Terrorism
Paul Cornish lays out his interpretation of how the attacks on Mumbai have changed the face of terrorism. Before, and as in V for Vendetta, terrorists laid out their purpose. This dictated the kind of response they received. In Mumbai, the attackers left everything to be infered by the government.
'And perhaps so little is known of the terrorists' cause, because they simply did not feel the need to have one. [...] This could also have been a plan which had a large gap where mission, cause or vision statement ought to have been.'
Instead of terrorism with a purpose, 'we have come to the point where casually self-radicalised, sociopathic individuals can form a loose organisation, acquire sufficient weapons and equipment for a few thousand dollars, make a basic plan of action and indulge in a violent expression of their generalised disaffection and anomie.'
He also points out that at least one terrorist was wearing 'versace' [or a rip off]. Where V wears a mask, the Mumbai terrorists made no effort to hide their identity, but wore 'designer' clothes. Makes a person wonder.
20 November 2008
Creation of Empowerment
When reality clashes with what is purported to be reality, disenfranchisement occurs. When there is talk of a level playing field, but all monetary aid given to school districts for special programs goes to ESL classes, or special ed. classes, the majority comes to know that the playing fied is being leveled against them. When a student isn't being challenged to their full potential because the teacher is stretched too thin by dealing with the students who should have been held back for whatever reason, society fails that student, and that student will either teach himself or ensure that others cannot learn either. Probably through violence. When a teacher neglects to spend time with the student who has no difficulty with the subject matter, that student can become starved for attention, and jealous of whatever group seems to be dominating the teacher's time. As Time is a zero-sum entity, this inequality fractures society, leaving it ripe for fascist agendas.
18 November 2008
Perhaps a biblical Job-ism
When comparing Hitler's vision of fascism to Mussolini's, Hitler at least succinctly outlines his critique and vision. He believes in the holiness of natural selection, and that man must aid this process by mating only with men who equal himself. Suffering promotes improvement. Only when he brings his mistaken assumptions about Jews into the mix does he cease for a moment to make rhetorical sense. [I have no clue where the first came from, but once that is established, the rest simply build upon it] He then goes on to outline the supreme lack of logic in his opponents' methods of creating an ideal, 'peaceful' society "we would have to wage wars in order to arrive at pacifism". When the strongest are all that's left, he agrees that this kind of peace might be attainable, but so long as there is suffering to weed out the weak, let the weak suffer. Especially since "all great cultures of the past perished only because the originally creative race died out from blood poisoning." America travels the path to sure destruction with her new president elect, a prime example of 'defilement of the blood'.
The urge to preserve the species leads men to form governments. As such, the stare is but the "organization of a community of physically and psychologically similar living beings for the better facilitation of the maintenance of their species". The state, however, requires the sacrifice of the individual for the betterment of the species; suffering for improvement!